The Cleric – A Dungeon World Playbook
This class presents a complete alternative to the cleric found in Dungeon World: instead of a pseudo-Vancian magic system it uses a Favor mechanic (something we originally cooked up for Dungeons & Delvers) to protect yourself, heal others (over time), and increase the odds of succeeding at tasks that fall within your deity's purview. You can also perform services for your deity in exchange for XP, attempt to ward off whatever it is that your deity is opposed to (not just undead), perform the equivalent of divine rituals, and use your WIS instead of INT to see what you know about your deity and things relating to it. The thirty advanced moves let you control how your cleric develops as you level up: you can repel your deity's enemies to a greater range (and even inflict harm if they're too close), lend allies some of your power, better protect yourself (and even your allies if they're close enough), call down your deity's wrath (which can decimate a group of enemies down the road), heal better and faster, gain more Favor, summon the servants of your deity (and even gain one of their abilities), and much more. Like many of our classes, there are even a handful of other moves crammed in the back that we couldn't fit on the sheet. Finally, for obvious reasons holy symbols are also a pretty big deal (you're -1 to a lot of things without one), and there are rules for more expensive holy symbols, as well as symbols made from other materials and integrating them into a weapon or shield (both making your weapon or shield holy, and also freeing up one of your hands).

Release date - 08/31/2022

Author(s) - Awful Good Games

Category(s) - Dungeon World, Fantasy Adventure

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