The Doom That Came to Chapman Farm

What happens when a ritual summoning goes wrong? A small town in Colonial Maryland is about to find out. Can your characters survive the coming doom? This short adventure is designed for characters to be dropped right into the action. There is little time to plan and lives hang in the balance, but a hasty attack could mean death. Or worse.

Release date - 08/14/2022

Author(s) - Mark Hess

Category(s) - Fantasy Adventure, Horror, OSR

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  • 4  Stars
    Reviewed by Erik Jensen

    Full reading-review here:

    ‘The Doom That Came To Chapman Farm’ brings a suitably Lovecraftian adventure to ‘Colony of Death’. Easily adaptable to any OSR system, and could make a good con scenario.

  • Recent reviews

  • 4  Stars
    Reviewed by Erik Jensen

    Full reading-review here:

    ‘The Doom That Came To Chapman Farm’ brings a suitably Lovecraftian adventure to ‘Colony of Death’. Easily adaptable to any OSR system, and could make a good con scenario.

  • 1 review for The Doom That Came to Chapman Farm

    1. 4  Stars
      Reviewed by Erik Jensen

      Full reading-review here:

      ‘The Doom That Came To Chapman Farm’ brings a suitably Lovecraftian adventure to ‘Colony of Death’. Easily adaptable to any OSR system, and could make a good con scenario.

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